
From the B&B transfer to Porto Conte, on the road to Capo Caccia. Excursion to the promontory of Punta Giglio, interspersed with …

From the B&B transfer to Porto Conte, on the road to Capo Caccia. Excursion to Monte Timidone, from whose summit you can …

From the B&B transfer to Palmadula, a hamlet in the countryside between Alghero and Stintino. From Palmadula begins the exciting and panoramic …

From the B&B transfer to Nuoro. Visit to the Museum of Sardinian life and traditions and then an excursion to the granite …

From the B&B, transfer to Oristano, on the west coast, and a morning of sun and sea on the beach of Is …

From the B&B, through the Northern Sardinian road, you reach the north-eastern end of the island, north of the Costa Smeralda. Having …

From the B&B transfer to the city of Alghero and continuation along the Alghero – Bosa road, called Costa dei Grifoni, with …

From the B&B, transfer to the coastal village of Castelsardo, facing the Bocche di Bonifacio, which separate Sardinia from Corsica. Guided tour …

From the B&B transfer to the city of Alghero. Guided tour of the ancient walls and the historic center among alleys, squares, …

From the B&B transfer to Tempio Pausania, a center leaning against the Monte Limbara massif. Excursion to the Mount, among water springs …

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